Friday, February 20, 2009

just a catch up.....

Well, I guess it has been a little over a week since I've been on here. We have been super busywith Gabe's school, getting things ready for Ava, Tom getting ready for a work trip, and just house stuff in general.

Gabe is doing great in preschool. He starts to fuss in them ornings when I drop him off, but has stopped before I even leave the room. You can really tell a difference in his communication and vocabulary just in the last month. His art work is getting really good too. His only issie the last couple of days is not wanting to take a nap...I am definitely not ready to give up nap times!! :(

The nursery is 99.9% done and is just waiting on the hot pink chandelier to be rewired and hung. I can't wait!!! Gabe loves playing in their too. He rolls around on her soft rug and makes me hang out in the rocking chair. Works for me. :)

We had a nice valentine's day weekend. The weather was on the crappy side so we just hung out at home and did the family thing. Tom got me some gorgeous roses and tulips that made my table look gorgeous!

We have the painter scheduled for next week to finally get rid of the smurf blue house we bought 2 years ago.(WOW.... two years already!) I can't wait to have it all painted. It is gonna feel like a whole new house.

I've been officially told to take it easy by the Dr.(easier said than done with Gabe running around). So, I guess no more projects for me around the house. It is already driving me nuts. I have some many littlw things I wanna get done before Ava gets here and now I guess they have to wait a while.

Something great....I think I finally figured out the secret to potty training with Gabe. He decided he wanted to wear his cool boxer brief underwear today. He had one accident and I told him one more and he couldn't wear them. Well, no more accidents all morning. He gets all excited when he has to go to the bathroom and bolts for his potty. Lets see if we can keep it going and only have to use pull ups for naps and night time. Thank goodness for some progress.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. Gabe and I might venture down to the Mardi Gras parade in the morning for a little sunshine. I'll be sure to take plenty of pictures to share if so.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just hanging out

Today as been one of those days. Tom had to work so Gabe and I made it a "Pajama's All Day" day. :) We've had a pretty busy week. I had a Dr. appt on Monday and am still measuring a little big, but not enough to change my original due date from the 17th. I am hoping this just means I will have her even maybe April 5th. ;) I was 30 weeks on friday....only 10 to go!! We will be all ready for her shortly though. We've been working all week on her nursery and Gabe keeps asking when Ava is coming over as he's looking out the window. Hopefully he is happy when she is here and he realizes she stays with us. :)

Potty training was going good for a few days, but we officially lost the last paci to the potty so he has begun to regress. At least we are doing good without the paci though. He doesn't sleep as good, but not having to keep track of that dang paci is so nice.

Tom and I had our first day with just the two of us in almost 3 years on Friday. Gabe had school and Tom was off work. It was so weird and quiet, but we got some running done and really enjoyed it. Of course, it was a blast finally going to get Gabe too. He didn't cry at all on Friday at school and got his pictures taken. They said they got some good ones.

Yesterday I got a Girl's Day!!! It was so nice. I had lunch with some other Coastie wives and then went to the movie with my friend, Amber. I definitely recommend He's Just Not That Into You. Great chick flick!!

Well, enough rambling. I need to go check the turkey in the crock pot and get the mashed potatoes started. Hope everyone has a great week.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

We've had a pretty busy week here. Gabe finally got over his preschool crud and made it to school on Wednesday and Thursday. He is doing much better with me leaving him...not completely screaming his head off. We're taking baby steps. :)

On Friday we had a 3d/4d ultrasound done of "the belly." Ava is stubborn, breech and gorgeous!! We got to see her pee which was pretty funny(and yes it was confirmed she is definitely a girl.) I have been informed by both my sisters that she looks just like her daddy and brother. We'll just have to wait until the big day to see if I had anything to do with her features. :)

We're still working on getting the spare room cleaned out. My goal is to have it done by the end of the week so I can concentrate on getting the last few little things we need before she makes her big arrival. I might be able to relax a little with everything organized and clean.....maybe.

My excitement for the day........I just saved $72.08 grocery shopping. It's the little things in life that make me happy and saving money is defintely one of them. :)

Up this week......I've got an appt on Monday with the Dr., Gabe has school and I'm gonna get the nursery ready for Ava....hopefully.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Trying this out

Thought I would try this out to try and keep up a little easier with friends and family since we all seem to be all over the place these days. Hopefully I can keep up with it.

Starting off in 2009.....

We have had a busy month already. We thankfully got to go home over the holidays and visit with family. Tom was gone so much the last 6 months of 2008 it was nice to finally take him home with me for a visit. :) We came home to a busy schedule. Gabe has started preschool and is definitely paying me back for every morning that I lost it on my mom when she would take me. It was hard on me at first, but now I am happy to drop him off and get a few hours every week for me to get things done.

We got to go home this past weekend and get Tom a new truck....well, new to us. :) We are very blessed to have some very awesome parents. Mom and Rick sold us one of the work trucks they weren't using anymore. This makes are life SO much easier and make Tom a very happy guy with a 4x4. :) This morning was the first morning Gabe and I didn't have to get up and take him to work so we could have the car in almost 2 years. IT WAS NICE!!!! We already went last night too and got an extra carseat so Gabe and Daddy can ride together in the new truck. :) THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM AND RICK!!!!

We are gearing up for a busy week as soon as we beat the preschool crud Gabe got from school. Lots of little things to finish around the house and gotta get the nursery all ready for Ava. we are also having a 4d u/s on Friday so we should have some really awesome pictures and video to share soon.

Lots of love,
Tom, Manda and Gabe.