Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just hanging out

Today as been one of those days. Tom had to work so Gabe and I made it a "Pajama's All Day" day. :) We've had a pretty busy week. I had a Dr. appt on Monday and am still measuring a little big, but not enough to change my original due date from the 17th. I am hoping this just means I will have her even maybe April 5th. ;) I was 30 weeks on friday....only 10 to go!! We will be all ready for her shortly though. We've been working all week on her nursery and Gabe keeps asking when Ava is coming over as he's looking out the window. Hopefully he is happy when she is here and he realizes she stays with us. :)

Potty training was going good for a few days, but we officially lost the last paci to the potty so he has begun to regress. At least we are doing good without the paci though. He doesn't sleep as good, but not having to keep track of that dang paci is so nice.

Tom and I had our first day with just the two of us in almost 3 years on Friday. Gabe had school and Tom was off work. It was so weird and quiet, but we got some running done and really enjoyed it. Of course, it was a blast finally going to get Gabe too. He didn't cry at all on Friday at school and got his pictures taken. They said they got some good ones.

Yesterday I got a Girl's Day!!! It was so nice. I had lunch with some other Coastie wives and then went to the movie with my friend, Amber. I definitely recommend He's Just Not That Into You. Great chick flick!!

Well, enough rambling. I need to go check the turkey in the crock pot and get the mashed potatoes started. Hope everyone has a great week.

1 comment:

  1. I had a great girls day too! We should do it again real soon!
